Reduce, reuse, and recycle
We believe in doing more with less, optimising the assets that are required to do the job. We measure our carbon impact and always seek to reduce that impact of our operations on the environment and the communities that we serve.

We also know that by better-utilising assets, resources, and infrastructure, there is an opportunity to more efficiently service the retail sector and consumers.
The problem
What we consider to be efficient today, may not be defined the same way in the coming months and years ahead. Our roads are typically congested, and high-cost assets idle slowly (and inefficiently) through traffic congestion, which is both wasteful and costly.
The idea
The opportunity exists to optimise the use of vehicles used for the purpose of delivery, by carefully matching freight with the best vehicle, and ensuring that those vehicles and drivers are deployed to maximise their productivity.
We can also tailor operations to service goods so that they require less packaging, through clever use of assets, direct services, and proactive partnership first approach.
What we do
OnSend’s efficient use of assets and resources is supported by purpose-built technology, which allows us to measure, interpret, optimise.
Never satisfied, we naturally review and look for opportunities for improvement. We continually review the impact of our actions, and apply the lessons to do it better the next time.